Dj Veda

Dj Veda

Introducing one of our favourite humans; Katie O. After carving out many a shape in and around the DJ booth over the years this cosmic cat decided it was time to get out from the crowd and onto the decks. Being a massive lover of music, fun, dance and everything in between it only seemed natural this life enthusiast would take to the decks to share her love through music.

Her playful, keen and curious enthusiasm combined with great taste in music and ambitious nature there's no doubt she'll excel in the music industry. With her style idols and inspirations Honey Dijon and The Black Madonna and mentors like Sydney’s own Gabby, Cassette and Robbie Lowe; Katie O has her eyes on the prize and goals set to high.

Katie has been a great supporter of the Let The People Dance movement from the beginning, we love her and are so happy to be able to release this mix as a podcast. Shout out to Richy the crew at Zanerobe for letting us use their set up yesterday to record, legends.

Features & Measurements

  • Type Talent
  • Citizenship Australia
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